Thursday, February 28, 2013


Thursdays are my favorite day of the week.  It's not yet Friday, but the anticipation of Friday is there.  The greater part of the work week is behind me.  The promise of the weekend and time with friends and family is fast approaching.

This Thursday I am reading, "The Dark Side of the Light Chasers" by Debbie Ford.  As I am reading, it strikes me that I started the book on Sunday and yet today the words have even more light and meaning.  My mindset is lighter and more focused on possibility, which makes the words jump.  It never ceases to amaze me how much mindset really does determine experience.

I have some really cool excerpts to share from the book, but first I have to crack some jokes because that is just who I am.  The other day I was feeling pretty crabby and the thought struck me, "Why doesn't someone come up with a brain thermostat?".  I mean really, how much money would that make a person? You're sitting around feeling crabby because you didn't sleep very well and your iPhone screen just shattered (true story), and you think, "well this crabby mood is just unacceptable", so you open your brain and turn the thermostat from crabby to happy!  Just think how much that invention would save on medical bills, prescription drugs, illegal drugs... well you get the point.  Too easy you say?  Probably...damn it!

Instead of trying to change it or turn up the thermostat so to speak, Debbie Ford writes about embracing the crabbiness, or the "shadow" side of us.  Because she says, "We can't have the full experience of the light without knowing the dark".  Debbie states that doing shadow work and embracing our whole self ends our suffering.

I could go on an on quoting Debbie's book, but I think it's better if you hear it from her.  From my perspective and experience, though, I can tell you that I find Debbie's "take" very true.  I still have a lot of shadow to embrace and I will always be a work in progress.  At the same time, the shadow I have embraced has served me well.  The side to me that is loud and gregarious and irreverent, when embraced, is a gift of humor and "refreshing honesty" to those who are open.  Those who do not choose to view my shadow as a gift judge it as "attention -seeking and obnoxious" and secretly wonder why in the hell I would put myself out there like that for the whole world to see.

But my truth is my light AND my shadow and when combined are ME.  And let me tell you, folks... I am having a hell of a lot more fun in my life than those who are choosing to hide in fear and judgement.  And with that being said, judge it without judgement and live your life as only you can.


1 comment:

  1. Wow - great "post". I want to read that book! I agree. My shadow has lived quietly here in Nebraska and it is starting to speak very loudly. Most people will look the other way and yes secretly judge me and I dont give a "s***" anymore!!! :-) Thanks for sharing.
