Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Random Thoughts

Being the outgoing, busy, working mama that I am, I have many random thoughts that run through my head on any given day.

Case in point:
I am working out in my home the other day and I decide to do some plank exercises.  Since the birth of my two children, these exercises have become much harder for me than they used to be.  Therefore, I am sweating and grunting and trying to think happy thoughts and all of a sudden I notice a stain on the floor.  Then I am thinking, I would much rather be cleaning that stain off the floor than staying in this plank position.  Then I picture my conversation with my good friend, Ashlee (ahem, personal trainer), during which I say, "You know that moment when you notice the stain on the floor and you decide to clean it instead of finishing your plank exercise?"  "No?  Hmmmmmmm."

I love hair and makeup and bling and clothes and I've wanted to learn how to get that perfect beach wave hair look everyone raves about, right?  Even though I know that if I were actually on a beach, my hair would be stuck flat to my head.  But that's beside the point.  So I decide to start watching hair tutorials on how to get the perfect beach wave hair.  Now here's the thing, though, with hair tutorials... hair tutorials are not rocket science.  But these girls who do these hair tutorials must think they are.  Inevitably, they start with a casual but friendly, "Hi guys!".  And then they tell you how "super easy" their look is going to be.  And then they spend 45 minutes showing you in intricate detail how to do the same curl over and over again.  And then I think they sit around their house wondering why they haven't made a fortune yet- I don't know.

I find a friend's video link for a new handy dandy tool their family member invented.  And because I love this friend, I click on the link.  And then I spend the next 10 minutes wondering what in God's name he is doing and why I thought this would be a good idea for me to watch since I don't ever fix anything- ever.  I can't even figure out how to put my son's train set together. 

I am looking at my darling toddler son's face the other day and I am in awe of how so very cool he is and yet how so very annoying at any given moment.  And so I came up with the following...

T errific but terrifying
O dd yet quite inspiring
D aring while on the potty
D arling but quite, quite naughty
L oud and always mortifying
E lectric and too often crying, BUT forever, forever
R are and beatifying

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