Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pinterest Obsessions

Pinterest has officially become an obsession of mine.  I know Pinterest is not new and I know I am not the only addict, so let's all laugh a bit about the Pinterest world!

First of all, it is no secret I love fashion.  I have spotted some really cool outfit ideas on Pinterest, and am especially fond of the shoes pinned there.  But, I have to laugh when I see some outfits pinned with "Love This!" in the comment section.  I'm thinking, "Really?  You love the skin tight cheetah jumpsuit because it's on a 100 lb. 16 year old!".  I'm pretty sure that if us "normal" women put that outfit on, most of us would look like a sad version of Chester Cheetah on Halloween.

I've also noticed I have an automatic aversion to certain pins.  For instance, the baby shower ideas I do not care for.  Yes, they're darling and fun and creative.  However, having had two precious children myself, I have come to enjoy the full night's sleep and the moments of "me time" I get now that my youngest is three years of age.  And for some reason I have this fear that if I pin that cute baby shower idea, I will instantly be pregnant via immaculate conception.

Then there's my competitive side.  I have to constantly remind myself that I joined Pinterest for ideas, not followers...Good God!  Why, I ask you, must everything be a competition with followers??  Why can't I just pin and then call it a night?  I really think that instead of "followers", there should be Pinterest Police monitoring the site after 10 pm, scouring for women like me who have had too many glasses of wine and are now obsessively pinning Someecards and posting them to Facebook.

On the up side, I have to say that those "Hey Girl", Ryan Gosling quotes are just what the doctor ordered for Pinterest.  Those are simply brilliant.  My favorite is: "Hey girl.  No, I didn't fall asleep while you were describing your upcoming sewing and craft projects.  I just closed my eyes to visualize them better.  They look amazing."

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